12011 2nd grad steam engineer oral questions.
11. What is your roles and responsible as Assistant Engineer in your
work place.
To ensure smoothness of process, workers safety, Preventive maintenance
and ensure all machinery are safe to be used.
22. What is the Objective of you to take this exam?
At my work place there is 3 unit boiler, with total Heating surface
connected to common range 6,189sFt but we only operate single boiler, according
to FMA person in charge reg 5, it require 2nd grad steam engineer.
33. Name the ACT that related to JKKP?
FMA 1967 ACT 139, OSHA ACT 514 1994.
44. Name the regulation on FMA related to steam boiler?
Steam Boiler & Unfired pressure vessel, Person In Charge,
Certificates of Competency & Notification, certificate of Fitness &
55. List Down 13 esiantel Fittings for steam boiler?
a) Describe more about safety valve.
Must be adjusted to open at ASWP or before ASWP.
Area of such valve sufficient, max. Blow P raised below 10% of ASWP.
If H.Surface below 30s ft, valve D min is ¾”, if H.S above 30s ft,
valve min d is 1”.
Discharge bust be free flow.
Valve adjustment must be sealed.
Spring length without load must be below or same 4X spring OD.
When in compression, spring high must not less than ¼ x valve D.
b) Why does superheater Safety valve must blow 1st than follows
by steam drum?
No. Steam drum
S.Valve must blow first in order to prevent steam starvation.
c) Practical test on water gauge glass testing?
d) What is the size of the gauge glass at your Boiler?
e) What is the P your gauge glass can sustain?
f) How do you test low water alarm?
By shutting lower
cock at water column attached on low water alarm instrument (Mobery) alarm
should sound.
66. What type are this boiler?
Wet beck marine scotch boiler
77. What is the name of the furnace?
Corrugated Furnace.
88. Sketch a steam boiler including, tubes and header(name each tube),
hot gas flow and buffet.
Down comer, superheater tube, generating tube, Distributing tube & Economizer Tube.
99. How many pass?
3 pass
110. What is the ASWP of your Boiler?
25 bars
111. From where does ASWP generated from?
Boiler manufacturer.
112. Explain about Emergency situation on steam boiler?
a) Tube bust?
Continues pump
water to steam drum in order to maintain water level and light off the fire at furnace,
shut down all fans last is ID fan, remove all fuel in furnace, let boiler cool
down by opening furnace door, inspection door, lastly inform JKKP.
b) Low water level?
Stop pump water
in to steam drum to prevent thermal shock, stop adding fuel, shut down all
fanes lastly is ID fan, let boiler cool down, Inform JKKP.
113. Explain about internal water treatment?
Explain water treatment at boiler treatment from water softener to
steam boiler, softener to discharge calcium n magnesium (remove hardness),
vacuum dearator to remove oxygen; can cause corrosion at boiler, and list down
boiler water quality. Chemical Dosing to react residual Hardness (Prevent
scale), Anti foam (Prevent carry over), Sulphite (prevent corrosion), Phosphate
& Caustic (increase PH and prevent Scale), sludge con. (Prevent sliding
Useful tips.
(a) Inspector will be very happy if answer are follow up with sketch of
Very interesting information and tip.